From Haiti to Brooklyn At the age of 12, life as I knew it underwent a profound shift. My family and I left behind the familiar landscapes of Haiti and embarked on a new chapter in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up with two siblings and a single Catholic mother, I found myself straddling the worlds of faith and heritage. My mother's unwavering devotion to Catholicism was a steady presence in our lives, yet the whispers of my ancestral legacy lingered, urging me to explore the deeper currents of my purpose. Over time it became evident that I carried a unique calling within the realm of Haitian Vodou. I fully embraced my calling and had my initiation, a profound rite of passage, at the age of 23.

From Haiti to Brooklyn

My initiation connected me to my ancestral lineage and solidified my role as a bridge between the seen and the unseen. During my odyssey into the realm of meditation, I've been graced with an array of profound messages that resonate with the intricate harmony of both body and spirit. Amidst these revelations, I've also been gifted with transformative recipes, each a unique elixir for crafting cleansing soaps. These remarkable formulations stand as potent agents, capable of dispelling the lingering shadows of negative energies, while ushering in a rejuvenating influx of positive vitality.The soaps and oils that I create offer a tangible embodiment of the messages received through meditation; they are designed for healing. At various points in our lives, we may encounter moments of feeling stuck or lacking motivation. Oftentimes, this could be attributed to the potential misalignment of your chakras. By conducting a personalized reading, I can discern whether this might be the root cause. Should this be the case, I offer the expertise to create a tailored roadmap to realign your chakras, or provide the necessary cleansing they require. Irrespective of the circumstance, I draw upon the guidance of my spiritual insights to craft a comprehensive healing strategy exclusively for you.